On April 24th 2015, my best friend Langston and I were heading into town to watch my little sisters softball game, we were planning to meet both of our parents there. Langston had called her mom to let her know that we were pasting Lorraine Rd and that we should be at the softball field in 5 minutes. Langston then hung up with her mom and shortly after there was a loud noise and Langston shouted “what was that?”. I merged over in to a turning lane thinking that my front tire just popped. Little did we knew that the front passenger tire had completely come off. Once we were in the turning lane Langston yelled “slow down”. I began to press on my brakes just to realize that they weren’t working. We continued to go forward until we hit the grass where my truck began to slip slide ways and then we started flipping. It happened so fast that we didn’t even realize how many times we flipped until a witness that had stopped to see if we were okay, had told us that we had just flipped 4 times. a few people stop and called 911. One person even ran across the road to get my tire. Langston called both our parents and they thought we were joking at first because Langston had just gotten off the phone with them minutes before the accident. As we were waiting for our parents to arrive the paramedics were getting our information and asked if we wore our seat belts. We told them we both had our seat belts on and he said that its a good thing because if we hadn’t the outcome could have been different. Our parents arrived to the scene shortly after and they took us to the hospital to get us checked out.
Jayme’s Story